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Relevance Score

How BrandBastion's Increased Facebook Relevance Score by 22%

How BrandBastion's Increased Facebook Relevance Score by 22%


Annually spend in Facebook advertising


Relevance Score after implementing BrandBastion


Relevance Score Increase


Relevance Scores for Ads on Facebook Ads

Relevance score is calculated based on the positive and negative feedback we expect an ad to receive from its target audience. The more positive interactions we expect an ad to receive, the higher the ad’s relevance score will be. (Positive indicators vary depending on the ad’s objective, but may include video views, conversions, etc.) The more times we expect people to hide or report an ad, the lower its score will be.
- Facebook

Note: Ad relevance score has now been replaced by ad relevance diagnostics. Learn more at Facebook for Business. (Updated Jan 2020)


About The Brand

A health tech company promoting anti-aging products ran ads highlighting the benefits and scientific studies conducted on its products. 


Determine BrandBastion's Impact on Facebook Relevance Score

Due to the nature of the industry and the products, the ads attracted many customer inquiries, competitor promotions, trolling, and debates in the comment feeds about the products’ efficacy. The company was running ads at scale investing $10M+ annually in Facebook advertising, but did not have the human resources to manage the thousands of comments received across ads.

The monthly average relevance score in the three-month period prior to implementation of BrandBastion’s solution was 2.7.

Moderation + Alerts & Customer Engagement

This health tech company engaged BrandBastion to provide the BrandBastion Moderation + Alerts and BrandBastion Customer Engagement solutions across its Facebook and Instagram ads.

Having BrandBastion’s solution in place significantly:

  • Increased the health tech company’s ability to respond to customer engagement faster. This tends to improve brand perception on the ads when viewers see that the brand is engaged.
  • Protected the health tech company’s ads from harmful comments, such as competitor promotions, discrimination, and trolling.

After implementing BrandBastion’s products, the brand observed that their average Facebook relevance score improved significantly.


Increase in relevance score was observed in the three month period following implementation of BrandBastion’s products at the end of October 2019.


Relevance Score Increased by 22%

The monthly average relevance score in the three-month period prior to implementation of
BrandBastion’s solution was 2.7. This increased to 3.3 in the three-month period after implementation, an increase of 22%.

Facebook’s Relevance Score is a reflection of ad performance in terms of how well your ads are resonating with your audience. While the Relevance Score in itself does not directly drive performance, understanding how to improve the score can:

  • Lower CPM and Cost Per Result - as a high relevance score is seen by Facebook’s system as a positive signal.
  • Help test creative options with smaller audiences before running a campaign.
  • Help optimize campaigns already in progress. A lower relevance score can indicate creative needs to be refreshed midway.

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